Typology compels us to investigate what is implicit about any given example of architecture in its paradigmatic aspects. Which kind of beings and entities exist, and what kind of agency do they have in the figuration of the world.
The entities and beings that are explicitly or implicitly acknowledged in the process of thinking about and forming relationships that are involved in the design, construction and use of architecture, are also sympathised with in the rhythms of their own worlds and realities so that the 'designer' can make the world with them. Furthermore, for beings like the sun, or a river, the act of sympathetic ritual or magic is an act of assistance, to assist the sun in reproducing its movement across the sky, or the river to flow and flood at a particular time of year. However, this making the world with, is never about that world being predetermined or destined for a perfect or Natural form, but is always a political act without any predetermined or destined reality or one perfect form. In fact every individual and every community, at different times, in different places and circumstances, will likely develop a different form of practice and architecture to recreate their world in their own particular way.