Hirmoi Fujii, E-2, 1969
The works—for example, Las Meninas—that result from this suspension of potential do not represent only their object: along with it they present the potential—the art—with which it has been painted. In the same way, great poetry does not simply say what it says, but also the fact that it is saying it, the potential and the impotential to say it. And painting is a suspension and exposition of the potential of the gaze, just as poetry is a suspension and exposition of language.
In Velázquez or Titian’s canvases, painting (the pictura picta, the painting that is painted) is not the object of the subject that paints (of the pictura pingens, the painting doing the painting), just as, in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, thought is not the object of the thinking subject, which would be absurd. On the contrary, the painting of painting means simply that painting (the potential of painting, the pictura pingens) is exposed and suspended in the act of painting, just like the poetry of poetry means that language is exposed and suspended in the poem.
...great poetry does not simply say what it says, but also the fact that it is saying it, the potential and impotential to say it...
Painting is a suspension and exhibition of the gaze, just as poetry is a suspension and exhibition of language.
...the painting of painting means simply that painting (the potential of painting, pictura pingens) is exposed and suspended in the act of painting...
...the poetry of poetry means that language is exposed and suspended in the poem...
"Architecture of architecture is the suspension and exhibition of arche - order”
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of space...
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of form...
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of composition...
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of room...
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of architecture...
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of language...
...architecture is the suspension and exhibition of representation...