Thursday, October 18, 2018

Mental Liberations from One’s Own Acting and Being

For Archizoom, No- Stop City performed a scientific analysis of the contemporary urban condition, simultaneously utopian and dystopian, that is, beyond good and evil, employing the “abstract, theoretical, and conjectural” tools of architectural representation. The city is treated as “a chemical datum” to understand its formation and impact. Referring to this kind of conceptual project, Germano Celant would later conclude, “Nowadays, the architect and designer do not produce more ideas, they rid themselves of ideas, producing ideal programs that are ‘less ideas,’ mental liberations from one’s own acting and being.”28

Branzi explains: “No-Stop City was a mental project, a sort of theoretical diagram of an amoral city, a city ‘without qualities,’ as Hilberseimer would have described it…The nihilistic logic of the maximum quantity was the only logic of the system in which we were living; instead of denying this logic, we decided to make use of its inner workings to achieve a demystification of all its ideals of quality and at the same time to carry out scientific research into the real nature of the metropolis…”29

Kazys Varnelis, Programming After Program: Archizoom's No-Stop City