Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Soul at Work

Bifo calls the contemporary organization of production in which the soul and its affective, linguistic and cognitive powers are put to work the factoty of unhappiness because the primary function of the work the post-Fordist factory commands is not the creation of value but the fabrication of subjectivities- the modeling of psychic space and the induction of psychopathologies as a technique of control. In a phase of capitalist development in which the quantity of socially necessary labor is so insignificant that it can no longer seriously be considered the measure of value, the ghostly afterlife of the order of work is an entirely political necessity. Work is a matter of discipline, the production of docility. When work becomes the site of libidinal and narcissistic investment, spinning a web of abjections and dependencies that exploits rather than represses desire-we become attached and bound to our own unhappiness.

Jason Smith Intro to Bifo Berardi's, The Soul at Work